Olympic Queen Flat Sheet 50% Cotton 200 Thread Count

Some people find laundry and ironing an extremely meditative task, and actually look forward to the quiet time of folding, pressing, and contemplation. The majority of people, though, see it as a chore that just needs to get done, and especially when it comes to washing linens and remaking beds, they would rather it take as little time as possible. We offer Olympic Queen sized flat sheets in a 50% cotton and polyester blend, to make your household needs just a little less imposing. These 200 thread count sheets are ideal for quick changes on a number of levels, and still provide you with quality bedding that will ensure a restful night. The Olympic Queen size can be a difficult sheet to find, and by offering flat sheets that are specific to this model of mattress, you will no longer need to fight with corners and constant flattening to get an improperly sized sheet to lie correctly. The 50/50 cotton and poly blend also provides a relatively wrinkle free sheet. You will be able to take these flat sheets directly from the dryer to the bed, without ironing in between. The 200 thread count means that they are durable to wear and tear, and provides the fabric with the right amount of give.