These days, we hear more and more about individuals who have had to downsize. While some people can get by with selling a car or some personal effects, others have had to move from one home, apartment, or other living environment to another—which is often smaller in size. During the...
Three Quarter Bed Sheets – Perfect Sheet for the Unusual Bed
The three-quarters bed is not very common these days. It is smaller than the full and queen beds but wider than the twin bed. The three quarter bed is also known as an antique bed. The typical three quarter bed is 48 inches wide and 75 inches long. You will commonly...
Buying Queen Sofa Bed Sheets
Buying a separate set of bed sheets for your sofa bed may not sound like it makes a lot of sense, but when you consider how different that sofa bed is from a standard bed you'll see why it deserves its own set of sheets. If you have a sofa...